Convenience fosters compliance: Citation Smart for municipal courts

Everyone appreciates a good memory cue. As we navigate through busy schedules, we’re constantly setting up reminders to make sure we don’t miss that important meeting, pressing deadline, or upcoming event. And, today, most people rely on smartphones to track and complete tasks. Keeping these trends in mind, AdComp has developed Citation Smart to help municipal courts provide defendants with tools to resolve their citations on time.

This week, in our ‘Convenience Fosters Compliance’ series, we’re talking about Citation Smart — how it works, what citizens have to say, and why municipal courts should adopt this system.

How Does Citation Smart Work?

Citation Smart is a system that sends out periodic reminders via text message to defendants, providing them with options to pay a citation, sign up for a driver’s safety course, request a payment plan, or request a deferred disposition. Combined with our Courts On The Go solutions, Citation Smart allows citizens to exchange e-documents with municipal courts and make payments without having to visit a court in person or physically mail in paperwork.

Citation Smart: A Citizen's Perspective

Recently, Mr. Hussain Samnani, a Texas-based nurse anesthetist, was issued a ticket for a speeding violation. Using AdComp’s Citation Smart system, offered by the Carrollton Municipal Court, Mr. Samnani was able to pay the necessary fine and request a deferred disposition without visiting the court in person.

Besides the periodic reminders that allowed him to stay on top of the deadline to resolve his citation, Mr Samnani also pointed out two other key benefits of Citation Smart.

● Saves time and resources:

“Just being in the operating room all the time, that [Citation Smart] was something that saved me a lot of time. Usually I have to take a day off or request a sick day to go in person to pay the ticket. So having the smart system in place saved me a lot of time so that was the biggest thing for me.”

● User-friendly, digital, and modern:

“I think it’s good for the system where it’s coming from, as far as the police system or the court system — it’s efficient for them and they have a track record of it. I just find it [Citation Smart] to be very user-friendly. It’s easier. There was no paper trail …This was all electronic. That itself was far ahead of what everybody else is doing in other cities, I think.”

Why Municipal Courts Should Implement Citation Smart

Citation Smart is a cost-effective, intuitive solution to help save time and resources for both courts and citizens. Consistent reminders, convenient mobile-enabled technology, and a user-friendly experience that make it simple for citizens to resolve a citation also help break the perception that court processes are troublesome.

This system is a necessary step forward to make it much easier and more convenient for citizens to resolve their citations, and in turn, for municipal courts to foster compliance.

To see how Citation Smart works, schedule a product demo here.
